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The Gymnosophists
the history of health, wellness and spirituality...with tips for the 21st C
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yoga habits
tell me what you’re running from
how often should I practice yoga?
the daily minimum, at home
a short practice
to practice or not to practice: ladies’ holiday
meeting resistance on and off the mat
yoga practice in class and out
yoga for insomnia
the thing about gurus: a kumaré review
relax: some science
the yoga diet
yoga vacation
annalynne mccord, wim hof, and the power of masculine energy
youtube is a circle jerk
tell me what you’re running from
Cold Water Bathing in 19th-Century American Health Care
Book Review: Riotous Flesh by April R. Haynes
the yoga consumer
yoga mats: the good, the bad, and the crumbly
yoga stuff
what to wear for yoga
yoga :: what to wear? II
how to find yoga teacher/school
what are the different types of yoga? what is hatha?
how to find a yoga teacher/studio
yoga etiquette 101
yoga etiquette 201
the search for a new yoga teacher/studio
how I found ashtanga
ashtanga in new york :: finding a teacher
bikram yoga: good or bad?
non-cheesy yoga = awesome
stretching, science, & the wisdom of ‘boring’ yoga asana sequencing
tradition: ashtanga, vinyasa & 8-limbs lite™
yoga teachers and teaching philosophies
basic pranayama for beginners : प्राणायाम
how to slide pranayama into your day
pranayama प्राणायाम
on meditation
stone age mind in a digital world
spirituality &/or self
Book Review: Secularism in Antebellum America by John Modern
yoga and the true non-self?
what is yoga
5,000 years?
ways of knowing // 5,000 years continued
is yoga Hindu?
Namaste नमस्ते
sexytime with william broad
how yoga ruined my tan
the yoga of sylvester graham
art & yoga: photography as a daily practice
art & yoga :: off like a prom dress
yoga practice
how to do headstand (sirsasana)
how to work toward padmasana: lotus pose
ouch. my wrists/hands hurt in adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog)
adho mukha svanasana from a master
stretching the east : on backbends
grammar for yoga teachers